Hey guys, and welcome back to Beach and Fishing and my Watersnake ASP kayak motor review. Now, as you are probably aware, fishing is one of those past times that holds two essential truths:
- There are a great number of variations of every piece of equipment, tackle and accessory that you could be looking for.
- Everybody has an opinion on which of these variations is best at any given time – which is generally due to the fact that that particular item has helped them catch fish.
So with that in mind, one thing I have tried to do on this site is review the products I use to give you an idea of what may work for you as you head out to the water and chase the big ones.
Hence, for this review, I will run you through:
- What the product is
- How it works
- What I bought if for
- Pros and Cons
- Cost
- My recommendations
What is a kayak trolling motor?

In simple terms, this is a tiny trolling motor that once attached to a kayak, propels it forwards without the need for a paddle. In boats, trolling motors are used to move the vessel around slowly and quietly without having to start the outboard and scare the fish. Kayak motors are just smaller versions of this that run on the same type of 12V electric motor in a silent manner.
Now I know that there are the purists out there that will argue that the whole reason to use a kayak is the peace, quiet and satisfaction that comes from man powered paddling and catching of fish. There are however a number of reasons for acquiring a trolling motor for the kayak including:
- The fishing grounds are a fair way from the launch point.
- Stronger currents make paddling harder.
- You just want to get to where you are going faster.
- You can move around a fishing hole quicker and easier.
- They remove the need to constantly paddle.
- Can allow for greater trolling abilities (specially if chasing larger, faster moving surface fish with lures).
- Good for those with injuries or disabilities.
So with all that in mind, let’s see how the Watersnake ASP 24Lb Kayak Motor holds up…
What did I buy it for?
So, out of all of the reasons above, mine was to do with current. You see within the estuary/river where I fish there is only one launch spot down towards the mouth meaning that with a paddle, I could really only go out on the last of the incoming tide. This means I would float up on this tide, wait for it to swing around and then float back down as it started to run out.
Don’t get me wrong, this is extremely relaxing however it severely reduced the amount of times I can get out for a fish on the old ‘yak. With a motor on board, the aim is to be able to use the motor to get up to waterway at any tide and fish.
I have attached my motor to an 8.5ft sit on top fishing kayak.
What do you get?

Ok, so the specs of my kayak motor are as follows:
- Product Name: Watersnake ASP 24lb Kayak Motor
- Thrust: 24 lb (18lb option also available)
- Speed Settings: 3 speeds (2 forward & 1 Reverse)
- Rotor shaft length: 24 inch adjustable
- Handle/tiller length: 4 inch retractable (18 inch shaft attached also available)
- Mounting: Transom or Bracket mounts available
- Prop: 2 blade
- Run Time: max 3.8 hr min 1.5hr on 20AH battery
- Battery: Single 12V Deep Cycle or Lithium
- Light weight and easy to manage
- More than enough power for a small to medium-sized kayak
- Good price
- Limited speed options
- Mounting brackets not strong enough to stop motor twisting
- Rotors are a little ‘flimsy’
How much is it?
- PORTABLE - Watersnake Saltwater Electric Outboard Motor is the ultimate in lightweight portability, weighing only 4.85lbs (2.2kg). Watersnake’s simple design keeps the weight down while delivering...
- COMPATIBLE - It is the ideal trolling motor to use on kayaks, canoes, small dinghies, and inflatable boats. Please note: Battery not included.
- DESIGN – 24” shaft, adjustable mount fitting that makes for easy attachment, and anti-impact clip system. This easy to steer motor uses a hand tiller with an extendable handle, high and low speed...
Do I recommend it?
Admittedly this is the first trolling motor I have installed on my kayak but to be honest, the first time I took it out I was more than impressed with how it works. As stated above, I run it on an 8.5ft sit on top model and at the top speed it absolutely smashes it against the tidal current – which is the whole reason for me buying it.
I run it on a small 20AH Wet cycle marine grade battery and have been out on the water for 4 hours and it has not given out on me. Obviously I am not running it the whole time however it is a decent 30-minute run up to where I start my drift back and at full tilt (top speed setting), it didn’t miss a beat.
It is easy to manoeuvre in the kayak and the lower speed is good for a slow troll as well (not sure if it would be on a larger vessel however if I am being honest).
My only real issues with this one is the mounting. I have the bracket mount which is screwed into the top of my vessel (I removed a rod holder) and have found that the brackets are not strong enough to stop the whole mount turning when the motor is started. I feel some modifications will be needed to fix that issue.

Once you get going however, you can hold the motor in place with the extended tiller and it will then run with no problems at all.
At the end of the day, despite the limited speed options, for the price this one does come recommended and you could do a lot worse than this model for a small to medium-sized kayak in a tidal estuary, lake or river.
So there you have it, my honest review and appraisal of the Watersnake ASP 24Lb Kayak Motor. I hope it has been of assistance but as usual, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out by commenting below.
Are there any other products you have been looking at but want to know more about? If so, please comment below and I will do my best to get some details for you.
Until next time
Have fun