3 Best Ice Fishing Rod Holders

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Hey there my fellow ice fishers and welcome to my post where we will check out my three best ice fishing rod holders to keep them steady this year. As we are aware, during winter fish do not tend to move around as much meaning plenty of time sitting and waiting.

For this reason, many ice anglers use fishing rod holders to keep their lines in place as they fish – especially if they are using more than one in the same hole. So for those of you looking to pick up a good rod holder for ice fishing, let’s check out three good options I have come up with below…

My three recommended ice fishing rod holders

I will review these in more detail below however if you just want to get moving without all the carry-on, my recommended products are listed here for your convenience:

02/18/2024 07:32 pm GMT Lasso Brag

What are ice fishing rod holders?

This is another one where I am probably stating the bleeding obvious, but a rod holder is an implement to hold your fishing rod whilst out on the ice. As above, ice fishing can often be a case of trying to attract the fish to where you are so these just make it a bit simpler to keep more than one rod in the water at a time.

Ice fishing rod holders come in different shapes and sizes, which is why you need to determine which suits your preference and situation whether you be in a shelter, or simply sitting on a chair our in the open. Of course you can just stick the rod butt into the snow but these will definitely provide for more stability as you fish.

best ice fishing rod holders - ice fishing rod holder

What should you be looking for?

Below are some of the influences to be considered as you look for a good rod holder for ice fishing…

  1. Type
  2. Construction material
  3. Portability
  4. Signaling system
  5. Additions


Ice fishing holders come in different designs, which are the following:

  1. Triangular type: This rod holder is three-legged, just like a tripod with a design aimed to provide stability to your rod as you leave it on the ice.
  2. Fixed on one support: This rod holder is attached to a sturdy object via a clamp.
  3. Leg-mounted type: As implied by the name, you attach the ice fishing rod holder to your leg while you sit beside the ice hole.
  4. Extendable type: Ice fishing holders of this type have an adjustable length which comes in handy as the situation demands it. These holders are also foldable, which makes them easy to transport.

Construction material

Manufacturers use various construction materials in creating their products. Below are the typical materials for ice fishing rod holders:

  1. Plastic: The ice fishing holder from this material is relatively light and also affordable. However, in extreme cold they are susceptible to cracks.
  2. Wood: This material is sturdy and does withstand utmost frost. They are however not as portable and their size is fixed.
  3. Stainless steel: Of all the materials, stainless steel is the most durable and adaptable and also withstands corrosion and rust.


You should look for ice fishing rod holders that can be folded into a smaller size, making them compact and easy to carry or snuggled into your ice fishing sled. Lightweight ice fishing rod holders however may need to be anchored as they can be knocked down easily by strong cold winds.

best ice fishing rod holders - green rod holder in snow

Signaling system

Some ice fishing rod holders have flags or lights that become activated once a fish bites your lure. This feature is handy because you are instantly alerted by the fish’s activity underneath the frozen body of water.

If the signaling system involves flags, choose vibrant colors such as orange, red, and yellow.


Other potential additions include:

  1. Teeth grip: This feature gives the ice fishing rod holder a firm grip on the ice. By just applying force via your foot, the teeth grip embeds to the surface.
  2. Rod clip: This holds the rod in place.
  3. Locking mechanism: This additional helps keep the body of the rod holder fixed and immovable. It also connects the rod holder to the leg so that the two become inseparable from each other once an aggressive fish decides to escape from your lure.


Do you need a rod holder for ice fishing?

While it is not absolutely necessary to have a rod holder for ice fishing, it can be quite helpful in making the experience more convenient and enjoyable. A rod holder provides several benefits including the ability to fish hands free, employ multiple lines at once and well as keeping your gear organized. There are several types of rod holders available, ranging from simple, budget-friendly options to more advanced models with added features. Choose one that best suits your needs and preferences.

My three recommendations broken down

So based on the information above and my own experience, I recommend the following options:

1. Brocraft Ice Fishing Stand Rod Holder

This ice fishing rod holder it is very stable and firm despite its simplistic design and adjustable base. See its specifications below:

  • Brand: Brocraft
  • Material: Reinforced fiberglass
  • Weight: 0.60 pounds
  • Dimensions: 9.53 x 4.02 x 2.52 inches

Other inclusions:

  • Adjustable design
  • Collapsible

Why have I chosen it?

Because the product is collapsible, you will have no issue lugging it into tight spaces of your carrying bag or in a small shelter. The material ensures durability with a high sensitivity so that you will feel the fish’s bite right away. This is a great budget option for ice fishers in all conditions.

2. Big RED Ice Fishing Tip Down-Tip Up Rod Holder

My second option has an ergonomic design and does the job of keeping your hands free from holding your ice fishing rod all day. It is made from robust construction material and can be folded with ease once you are done. See its specifications below:

  • Brand: Bullnose
  • Material: Durable steel metal
  • Weight: 1.57 pounds
  • Dimensions: 12.6 x 4.96 x 1.46 inches

Other inclusions:

  • Teeth grip base
  • Rod clip
  • Rocking motion for fish bites

Why have I chosen it?

The heavy-duty steel metal is specifically designed to withstand any type of punishment associated with ice fishing and the rocking motion is extremely sensitive to even the smallest fish bites. It’s pretty simple to use; simply slide the clip onto your rod as directed, then place it on the metal frame to achieve the desired balancing effect. All in all, this is a great option for new and experienced fishers alike.

3. Jaw Jacker Automatic Ice Fishing Hook Setter and Rod Holder

This final product is one of the best with impressive versatility and excellent sensitivity to fish bites. The product is foldable with ice pick feet for extra stability. See its specifications below:

  • Brand: Jaw Jacker
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Weight: 1.19 pounds
  • Dimensions: ‎21.26 x 8.15 x 2.17 inches

Other inclusions:

  • Trigger tension mechanism
  • Extendable rod holder
  • Two-rod tip loops and Three jigs

Why have I chosen it?

The design is appropriate for all sizes of fishing rods and the tension can be increased or decreased using the adjustable feature. The equipment can be easily stored and transported due to its compact collapsible design. This is a fantastic options for ice fishers who like to load a few lines at once.

02/18/2024 07:32 pm GMT Lasso Brag


There you have it, my three best ice fishing rod holders that will hold your rods in any conditions. As usual, let me know of your experiences with them.

Also, please do not hesitate to comment below if you have any questions, concerns, corrections, or would like me to check anything else out for you.

Until next time

Have fun


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Hi, I'm Paul

I am a passionate fishing, camping and four wheeled driving hobbyist who researches, tests and educates around issues and equipment relevant to them.

I am by no means a professional however my passion is to assist you in making informed decisions about buying and using awesome gear that will give you the best chance of success at whatever you are doing for the best price.

Please get in touch if you have any questions.
