Hey there my fellow fishing enthusiasts. Today I am going to discuss with you the only 3 fishing knots I use as illustrated below. Yep – I use 3 knots! These are:
- The first one to tie hooks and swivels etc. to the line.
- The second to loop sinkers and hooks to the line for easy swap in and out.
- And the third which I use to tie braid to mono.
I have used these three in all manner of environments from the beach to the kayak to offshore fishing catching fish large and small and they have never let me down. So the way I figure it is that if something works then why change it?
Anyway, let’s check them all out below
1. Everyday fishing knot
Ok, so this is the knot that I use just about every time I tie something to my line whilst fishing (apart from the ones below of course). Usually known as a clinch knot, it is simple to use and has never lets me down. Let’s check it out below:
Note: For easier viewing, for this and the below demonstrations, the role of the line will be played by some rope and the hook will be played by a shackle end.
1. Thread the line through the eyelet of the hook and turn it back over on itself.

2. Hold onto the hook and twist the line about 8 – 10 times.

3. Thread the remaining part of the loose line back through the top loop next to the hook.

4. Pull tight in a horizontal motion to keep the knot straight (you may need to lick/wet the line first).

5. Snip off the excess and you are good to go.
And there you have it, a solid, strong knot that will tie hooks, swivels, lures simply and without any risk of slipping.
2. Interchangeable tackle knot
Ok, so as the name suggests (this is my name for it), the interchangeable tackle knot is one that I use in the surf or when offshore in times where I want to be able to quickly interchange sinkers and hooks etc. I know there are clip swivels but to be honest, I like this way better. So let’s check see how this one works:
1. Grab the end of the line and turn it back on itself to make a loop.

2. Turn the loop back through the centre and pull tight.

3. Loop the bottom ring of the line through the eyelet of the hook or sinker and under the bottom to attach.

This is a knot that may not really look like much, but again, I have used in a number of areas and caught some decent fish on this rig (I usually use this knot at the end of a paternoster rig) and it has never let me down.
3. Mono to braid knot
This third one is a newer one to my repertoire as I started switching all of my reels to braid line. I like to use a mono leader on both sides of the swivel hence the need to learn to tie it to the bottom of the braid mainline. There are a number of variations to this type of knot – I think the one I use is often called an ‘Allbright’ knot – and I have found it the easiest to tie when on the beach or in a boat. Here is how it works:
1. Grab your mono line and create a loop back on itself at the end.

2. Thread the end of the braid line through the mono loop and twist the braid line around the mono lines (there should be two lines here as it is folded back on itself) around 5 to 10 times.

3. Twist it another 5 – 10 times back over itself again (so you are twisting over 3 lines now) and thread the leftover braid (after twisted up and back) back through the same mono loop (will run back the opposite way than the original).

4. Grab the double mono line at one end and the double braid at the other and slide tight (you may need to wet the line) and try and keep it as straight as possible as you tighten.

Great knot – will hold forever!
What is the strongest fishing knot?
Most professional fisherman will tell you that the Palomar knot is the strongest. It is simple to tie and holds on itself for extra strength. I personally have always used a clinch knot and found it to be the strongest knot I can tie.
What is the best knot for lures?
Without a doubt it is the clinch knot. It is simple to tie and will hold perfectly on lure heads as well as swivels and hooks as well.
And there they are – the only 3 fishing knots I use. I hope it has been helpful and as usual, please let me know of your experiences or any other tips you may have.
Also, please do not hesitate to comment below if you have any questions, concerns, corrections or would like me to check anything else out for you.
Until next time
Have fun